Yesterday I received a very sweet message from the daughter of a former colleague. A few years ago I spent some time with her as she was nearing college graduation and wondering if she should go into Human Resources. In her message, she thanked me for some advice I gave her, and let me know she had indeed gone into HR and had just recently received an award for “employee of the year.”
It got me thinking about impact.
When I think about my own life and career, I have had some amazing mentors, but there also are so many small, sometimes unintentional interactions, that have had a MAJOR impact on me.
✨One of my undergrad professors (now Chancellor, Franklin Gilliam) challenged me on an early assignment because I wasn’t thinking critically enough, but eventually read my midterm assignment to the 200+ person class because of my creative approach. While not directly related to HR, he inspired me to always think out of the box and not accept the status quo.
✨The several bad managers I had early in my career before I even knew what HR was, who drove a desire in me to make things better for other people.
✨The grad school fair I attended, and the representative from a University I didn’t even end up going to, who listened to my interests and asked if I had ever considered a career in Human Resources (human what? I remember asking).
I also thought about the times I was “too busy” to talk, simply didn’t respond to an email request from someone seeking advice, or was negative or snarky in some way.
All of these have impact.
We often don’t know the impact we have on someone, which is why the message I received is so meaningful to me. She beautifully reflected a really small act, and I’m fairly certain she will pay it forward at some point.
This week Seane Corn joins Sherry and me on the podcast and shares part of her story, including who and what has impacted her, from her upbringing in New Jersey, to the sex club where she bartended in NYC, to her early teachers in yoga, to a bumble bee in a field.
To call Seane Corn a yoga teacher in no way does justice to the amazing offering to the world that she is. She is a thought leader, activist, speaker, teacher, author, and so many more things. She is an inspiration.
She also happens to be one of my personal heroes. - I have both read and listened to her book, #revoloutionofthesoul, and have had the pleasure to have attended many workshops and retreats with her.
Seane has a truly amazing story – please listen in to hear some of her wisdom as she walks us through part of her perfectly imperfect journey. Check it out here, or wherever you listen to podcasts:
As you listen, I hope you consider what impact you are having, and who your own heroes are.