Free to Be You and Me

It was the mid 70’s and my next-door neighbor and best buddy, Becky Milani (then LaCroix), and I were listening to the Marlo Thomas and Friends album “#FreetoBeYouandMe” (likely with a lapful of cookies, but that’s a story for another time!). I distinctly remember singing along to the title song: "and you and me,  are free to be you and me” and pausing to ponder: what does it really mean to be free to be me?

That album had a huge impact on me and was incredibly inclusive and positive. It made me ask big questions about myself, to think about others (why would William want a doll?) and dream big (can I really be anything I want when I grow up?).

Free to Be You and Me painted a picture of possibilities for me and the world. It invited freedom of expression and embodied authenticity.

Where is our current day Free to Be You and Me?

I think we have to welcome our own freedom, every day. We have to shine our light so that others know it is OK to shine their own. We have to actively make room for people who are different from ourselves and get curious about that difference. In order to do that, we need to surround ourselves with people who encourage the authentic expression of ourselves.

Marney Sullivan is just such a person. Her life mantra is “Be Free” which is an invitation for all of us to embody our true selves. Like all of us, Marney has had many ups and downs in her life journey and she freely shares those with Sherry and me on this week’s podcast.


Please listen in and consider sharing the podcast with a friend.

#perfectlyimperfect #flowingeastandwest #befree