I’ve been divorced for over 10 years, and while I’ve had some fun dating (and some of you are connected to me here – hey ya’ll), to be perfectly honest, I still haven’t found the “one.” LinkedIn is generally not the place to talk about dating – either my own experiences or others, but in reviewing at least one of my previous posts today will not be the first time for me.
So, why bring it up (again) here, and now? Because on our latest Podcast, Sherry and I had the huge pleasure of getting to know Ali Ingersoll. Ali is a Day Trader, a Social Impact Strategist and a Diversity and Inclusion Specialist.
She is also a woman who, 11 years ago, took a dive into shallow water which permanently landed her in a wheelchair with a C6 spinal cord injury.
While she has had many ups and down since her accident, I am so inspired by Ali’s fierce optimism. She has had to fight for herself to get the equipment and care she needs to literally survive, often having to resort to employing the media to embarrass a health care company into appropriate action.
And, yet she is one of the most positive people I have ever met.
Which brings me back to dating. About 5 years after her accident, Ali decided it was high time to start dating again.
As a quadriplegic. In a wheelchair.
Wearing adult diapers.
So, for most of us, dating is a bit of drudgery, even without the wheelchair and the diapers. There’s the primping, and the picking out of outfits, the backup plan if he “turns out to be a nightmare.” I have found myself complaining to girlfriends, even calling one friend (looking at you, MS!) from the ladies' room in the middle of a date because it was so bad. I have treated dating like a huge chore.
But not Ali - she jumped in feet first and resumed a very active, very social dating life. She even employed what she called “third date underwear night” and let her suitors know – “it’ll be great – I’m sorta like a Barbie - you can twist me in any way you want.” (you HAVE to listen to the episode, hearing Ali tell this story and her subsequent trip to the emergency room as a result, is hysterical).
In my previously mentioned article, I claimed recruiting is like dating – while I still believe that, I also think it might just be a bit broader. Sherry has a great tagline that guides her in the way she coaches: The way you live your day is the way you live your life.
So, maybe, the way you date is the way you live. I think Ali Ingersoll perfectly encapsulates this - she let nothing, NOTHING hold her back, from dating or anything else in life. She is all in and super inspirational.
And her dating life is now in her rearview mirror as she is happily married. Her approach to work, dating (emergency room notwithstanding!) and life is one I’ll be emulating.
Please take a listen to Flowing East and West, the Perfectly Imperfect Journey to a Fulfilled Life